Godly wisdom is like a revealing light that exposes the true nature of things, allowing the believer to avoid spiritual disaster and to follow God's will. Godly wisdom aids the believer in seeing the true nature things from a spiritual perspective.
The Definition of Wisdom*
The Hebrew word for wisdom had both secular and religious meanings. One secular application focused on artisans or craftsmen. Those who were skilled in a craft such as metal work, were said to be wise in that craft. It did not refer necessarily to their character, but rather, their ability.
Today, we refer to such people as masters at their craft. Master plumbers, master electricians, master mechanics gained skill through knowledge and experience. They understand the fundamental and advanced aspects of their professions. They apply that knowledge to extraordinary situations or to troubleshoot problems.
A second secular usage of wisdom referred to cunning or shrewdness. A wise person (in a secular sense) had an understanding of people. Through that understanding, he could manipulate, coerce, or even control them. He appeared to outsmart his competition, through application of his knowledge of people.
The religious application of wisdom focuses on God given understanding. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge of God to life situations and make right (spiritual) decisions as a result.
Just as Bible knowledge does not equal spirituality, neither does Bible knowledge guarantee wisdom. Wisdom is the application of knowledge to life situations. It is the ability to make right decisions (based on the ways of God) at the opportune time. In other words, it is arriving at a crossroads and deciding which way to go based on the truth of God's Word rather than personal opinion.
The Way of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-8)
Solomon listed several prerequisites for wisdom. They are found in the verbs used in the passage.
1. To trust in the Lord means to have total confidence in God concerning all aspects of life 3:5).
2. To reject personal understanding means to refuse to follow your own ideas and schemes and accept His superior design (3:5).
3. To acknowledge the Lord means to view every aspect of life - home, work, family, etc. - as it relates to pleasing God. You constantly ask, "How can I please God in this particular situation" (3:6)?
4. To be not wise in your own eyes means that instead of depending on your own discernment you choose to depend on God for guidance.
5. To fear the Lord means to demonstrate reverence, respect, worship, and piety toward God (3:7).
6. To depart from evil is to turn away from every form of sin in order to pursue God (3:7).
The Value of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:11-14)
In order to portray the great worth of godly wisdom, God declared it more valuable that silver and gold (v. 14) The comparison is not just to a few silver or gold coins, but to the mass accumulation of the precious metals. In modern times, we would declare that godly wisdom is worth more than owning the leading computer software company or the leading retail store chain. In other words, there is nothing more valuable than godly wisdom.
Solomon was a great biblical example of a person who, at least for a time, valued wisdom above anything else. Solomon was given the opportunity to have anything he desired (2 Chronicles 1:7). He could have had power, pleasure, wealth, or fame. But, he realized that godly wisdom was more desirable.
The Result of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:21-26)
Why should wisdom be a primary concern for you as a believer? Wisdom and discretion are necessary for spiritual life (verses 21-22). They are like an attractive ornament around the neck. The writer of Proverbs challenges you to never let them depart from you. They are both vital and desirable.
Godly wisdom will allow you to walk steadily in this topsy-turvy world (verse 23). It will equip you to make right choices that avoid spiritual disaster. It will aid you to keep from stumbling spiritually.
Godly wisdom keeps you calm in spite of adverse circumstance (verse 25). Often a difficult decision, an agonizing situation, a troublesome worry, or a fear of consequences will cause people to lie awake at night. Understanding that, the author speaks of "sweet sleep" to picture personal peace.
Godly wisdom allows you to live confidently amidst chaos, threat, or danger, because of the understanding that God is in total control (verse 26). Wisdom teaches you to trust Him always.
* Definition based on Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament
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