Recently, a CBC Awana Club leader challenged me with this question, "We ask our kids to memorize Scripture on a weekly basis. What about the adults?' Ouch!! Why do we not expect adults to continue the pattern of Scripture memorization?
Usually, any time Scripture memorization is talked about, Psalm 119:11 is tossed around as a Biblical basis. While Psalm 119:11 definitely supports Scripture memorization, it also speaks to much more.
The immediate context of Psalm 119:11 is two verses previous or Psalm 119:9. The Psalmist poses a question, "How can a young man keep his way pure?" The immediate response is "by keeping your Word." The author desired to know how to navigate life successfully through the many spiritual landmines that dot the path of the believer. He wanted to know how to avoid the pitfalls of sin that he had likely seen others fall into or maybe had experienced himself. The answer was surrendered obedience to God's Word.
One way to facilitate surrendered obedience is found in Psalm 119:11, "I have treasured Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you."
The Psalmist declared that he "treasured [God's] Word in [his] heart." What does that mean? The Hebrew word, "I have treasured" (tsaphan), is used more than thirty times in the Old Testament. Almost always, it meant "hide" or "store." To treasure is more than to value, but rather hiding or storing something valuable. In this case, the Word of God is the focus. One commentator said, "When we have the Word of God stored or hidden in our hearts, and treasure it like gold and silver, that Word will function to keep us from sin." To hide or treasure the Scriptures in one's heart is more than simply memorizing words, "but it is the joyful act of the affections" [Spurgeon].
But how does hiding God's Word in our heart keep us from sinning? Memorizing Scripture alone will not keep us from sinning. Valuing the Word of God alone will not keep us from sinning. Rather, both actions, together, give us the power to stand against the temptations of sin.
Piper writes, "I believe that the Bible teaches us to memorize Scripture the way an ant gathers food in summer; because it is so valuable and will be needed in the winter months. '[The ant] prepares her food in the summer, and gathers her provision in the harvest' (Proverbs 6:8). Memorizing Scripture is not a discipline for its own sake. It is because the Scripture are a treasure and will be needed before the day is done to help you escape a sinful attitude and live a life that glorifies God."
Therefore, Celebration Baptist Church is launching a Scripture Memorization Challenge. Here is how the challenge will work. Each week, a one or two verse Scripture passage will be presented to the congregation for memorization. The Scripture passage will be encouraging, strengthening, and practical. The group is challenged to memorize the passage by the following Sunday when a new passage will be presented.
Someone might say, “I am too old to memorize anything. I can hardly remember my name!” If you focus on a short passage of Scripture for a full seven days, think of the benefits. Even if you are not always successful in memorizing the passage, think of the spiritual insights you will gain by meditating on the same Scripture for seven days. Wow!!!
Up for the challenge? The January 5 challenge is Psalm 119:11. And go!!!
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