Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Just Say “I Do”

Weddings are a big deal in American society. According to TheKnot.com’s 10th Annual Real Weddings Study of 13,000 couples, the average cost of a wedding in 2016 was $ 35,329.00. In Manhattan, the average cost is $78, 464. For a real bargain, a couple can have a wedding for a meager $ 19,522.00 in Arkansas. The point? Weddings are a big deal today.

Weddings were a big deal in Jesus’ day as well. Certain social and legal obligations surrounded the wedding events among the Hebrew people.

Jesus attended a wedding in the small town of Cana during his first few days of public ministry. There, Jesus performed his first miracle. Remember, the goal of a miracle is belief.

A crisis occurred at the wedding described in John 2:1-12. The groom’s family ran out of refreshments. That was a huge social faux pas. Jesus’ mother, Mary, turned to Jesus and asked Him to fix the problem. Jesus instructed the servants at the wedding to fill several clay jars with water and then present a cup of “water” to the one in charge of food and drink at the wedding. Jesus had transformed the water into wine. Judging from the head steward’s reaction, it was pure and not watered down.

Three practical life-principles emerge from this story.

1) To see Jesus work in your life, do whatever He says. Mary told the servant to “do whatever He says.” As a result, the power of Jesus was demonstrated as he changed the very molecular structure of the water. To see Jesus work in your life, you must do what he says. Obey Him.

2) Jesus can bring joy to any situation. Wine, in its various forms, was symbolic of joy. Amid a crisis, Jesus restored joy to the ceremony. Whether you are experiencing difficult situations, devastating circumstance, or a disastrous event, submit it to Jesus and ask Him to bring joy to it. Today, why don’t you choose JOY?

3) Jesus involves Himself to influence our faith. Jesus involves Himself in our lives through providence and through divine intervention. Whether His involvement is the supernatural arrangement of circumstance and events to accomplish His will or direct intervention, Jesus always desires to stretch and grow your belief.

The point? Just say “I Do” to Jesus! When Jesus is involved, things change.