Monday, May 4, 2020

What Affects My Hearing of God's Voice?

Our world is filled with a lot of noise. In fact, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to escape the noise and distractions to reflect upon and draw closer to God. Is there any such place as a quiet place any more?

I recently read about a sound proof room in Minneapolis, Minnesota that is 99.9% sound proof. The article revealed that the longest any person has been able to stay in the room is 45-minutes. That says a lot about our culture.

It’s in the “stillness” that our hearts and minds are calibrated to the presence of God. It’s in the stillness that we hear God.

A Quiet Heart

In order to hear the whisper of God you must learn to disregard the background noise of life and quiet your heart before God.

A quick survey of the gospels reveal that Jesus regularly and repeatedly retreated to a quiet place in order the God’s voice to ready Himself for ministry, to strengthen Him for service, to respond to the weight of His mission and to proclaim the message His Father had given Him properly.

Jesus went to the desert prior to a change the launch of His public ministry (Mark 1:12-13). Why? He quieted His heart before His Father to ready Himself for the upcoming and grueling three years of ministry.

Jesus often sought the voice of God during stressful times (Luke 5:15-16). Regularly, crowds would seek Jesus to hear His message and experience His miracles. Due to that daily stress, He would retreat to a quiet place to pray and seek a word from the Father.

Jesus sought the voice of God prior to identifying the twelve apostles (Luke 6:12-13).

Jesus sought the voice of God following the death of John the Baptist  (Matt. 14:13).

Jesus sought the voice and strength of the Father prior to the crucifixion (Mark 14:32-36).

Jesus regularly quieted Himself before the Father. Modern Christ-followers must do the same!    

A Clean Heart

In order to hear the whisper of God you must listen with a clean heart before God.

Solomon identified the heart as the “source of life” (Proverbs 4:18-23). He was making reference, not to the fist-sized muscle in a person’s chest, but rather to the heart or soul of a person. He was referencing a person’s mind, emotion, and will. He was referencing the core of our being.

Because the heart is the core, it must be guarded. Through the heart, the enemy can gain a foothold in a person’s spiritual life. Through the heart, sin can destroy a person’s spiritual life. Through the heart, the flesh can derail a person’s spiritual walk. 

A heart that is clean can more effectively heart the voice of God. Confess your sin. Seek rightness. Obey truth. Listen with a clean heart.

A Submissive Heart 

To hear the voice of God, you must listen with a submissive and surrendered heart.

David, identified as the man after God’s heart, sinned greatly at one point in his life. He committed adultery, plotted the death of his mistress’ husband, and launched a cover-up to conceal His sin.

Once convicted about his sin, David confessed and repented. He asked God, “Do not banish me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:11). In other words, please “resume fellowship and conversation with me.”  Don’t remain silent. David wanted to hear God’s voice again.

During that dark time in his life, David realized that God desired a “broken and humbled heart” from His followers more that anything else. A broken and humbled heart is a submissive and surrendered heart. It is a heart that is predicated on uncompromising obedience.  A Christ-follower must listen for God’s voice with a heart committed to submission to God’s voice.


So what affect do a quiet heart, a clean heart, and a submissive heart have on what I hear from God? To answer that question, let me offer this illustration.

When I was a boy, our family had a 1966 Ford Fairlane 500. It was a great car. The radio was both AM and FM. It did not have a digital tuner, but a manual tuner. By turning the the right knob, the operator was able to “dial-in” or tune to the proper station. The better tuned the radio, the clearer the sound of the radio broadcast.

To tune-in to God’s voice you must regularly quiet your heart before God, have a clean heart before God, and maintain a submissive heart toward God. 

To hear the entire sermon, click here.  

Monday, April 27, 2020

Recognizing God's Voice

          Throughout life, I have heard certain voices that are unique and highly distinguishable from others. Some are deep in tone, others have a peculiar accent, etc. Let me share a couple with you that immediately come to my mind.
          James Earl Jones has a very recognizable voice that is deep and robust (Field of Dreams, Star Wars, and Hunt for Red October).  J. Vernon McGee, a well-known radio Bible teacher from back in the day, has a very distinguishable voice. Julia Childs, the pioneer of television cooking programs, is yet another.
          According to Hebrews 1:1-2, God has spoken in times past and in unique ways, yet His voice if very distinguishable. 1) God spoke to Moses through a Burning Bush. 2) God spoke to Pharaoh through 10 signs or plagues. 3) God spoke to David through a prophet named Nathan. 4) God spoke to Hezekiah through an illness. 5) God spoke to Babylonian astrologers through a star. 6) God spoke to Balthazar through handwriting on a wall written by a mysterious hand. 7) God spoke to Balaam through a donkey. 8) God spoke to Peter through a vision or dream. 9) God spoke to Paul through a bright light. 10) God has spoken to all of us through the person of Jesus Christ.
          Today, God speaks to the heart of modern believers in four specific ways - the Bible, the Holy Spirit, godly people, and circumstances.

I. God Speaks Primarily Through His Word.

          The Bible is the divinely inspired (2 Tim. 3:16) record of God’s revelation of Himself throughout history and through the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the ultimate revelation of God and the Bible is our link to that revelation. God speaks to His people through the Bible.
          The Scriptures are alive and active through the person of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 4:12). Therefore, we must immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and learn to properly interpret them using sound hermeneutic principles. In addition, petition the Holy Spirit to energize the Scriptures to your heart that you might hear God’s voice.
          Remember, the Scriptures are the baseline for all things pertaining to God. They supersede experience, reason, and emotion.

II. God Also Speaks Through the Holy Spirit.

          The Holy Spirit indwells every believer at the moment of salvation (1 John 2:27). Part of His role is to guide us in all truth (Jn. 16:31).
          The Holy Spirit often prompts the hearts of Christ-followers. Simeon was “moved by the Spirit” to go into the temple where Joseph and Mary were dedicating Jesus to God (Luke 2:27). Jesus was “led by the Spirit” into the desert to be tempted by the devil (Luke 4:1). Paul was “compelled by the Spirit” to go to Jerusalem (Acts 20:22).
          The Holy Spirit often supplies a supernatural sense of peace in the heart of Christ-followers as the obey and walk in God’s path (Colossians 3:15).

III. God Can Speak Through Godly People.

          God used Nathan to speak into the life of David. God used Mordecai to speak into the life of Esther. He used Paul to speak into the life of Timothy. Similarly, God can use godly people to speak into a Christ-follower’s life.

IV. God May Speak Through Circumstance.

               God may speak His will to His followers through open doors or closed doors of opportunity (1 Corinthians 16:8-9)(Revelation 3:7-8). He may speak through failure or success (Joshua 7). He may speak through pain or pleasure (James 1:2-3).

          Because people are fallible, promptings, circumstance and human words must always be filter through the Word of God. It is infallible!
          If you would like to view the entire message go to

Friday, March 20, 2020

Wow, I Miss You All

          I don’t know about you guys, bit seems like we have not had a church service in forever!! I miss “laying eyes” on everyone. Texting, social media, and live streaming are just not the same, but it is what we have available. 
           Personally, I value being informed about what’s going on in the world and with COVID-19. But as the old adage goes, “too much cake will make anyone sick!” So may I suggest you balance your ingestion of news, social media, and binge watching with RightNow Media content. CBC has a subscription to this Christian video library with over 14,000 great videos. Those videos include kids videos, Bible Study videos, and other discipleship oriented videos. If you have not activated your access to this resource, simply email me at It’s quick and easy to begin benefitting from this great resource.
          On Sunday, March 22nd, we will again live stream morning worship using Facebook Live. If you don’t have a Facebook account, do not worry. We will quickly post the video on line and I will forward you the link so you can view it on your computer or mobile device. I deeply appreciate Dylan, Jared, Courtney and the CBC band for serving in this way. 
          Finally, we need to talk about church finances. I realize that some of you have experienced some financial hardship already because of the COVID-19 outbreak. This part of the message is not for you. I need to speak to the folk in our church family who are still receiving their livelihood. Your church is still functioning, staff is still serving, and bills are still being received. You may give your tithes and offering in two ways: 1) give online at or 2) mail a check. Please consider mailing your check directly to our Treasurer (Bryan Clay) or our Assistant Treasurer (Skyler Roth). This is a simply way to keep your personal and our church information secure. Call or text me if you need their contact information. This paragraph is not intended to guilt anyone into being faithful in their giving, but simply a reminder of the need.

Here are a couple of ways Celebration is serving the community.
          1) On March 18th, Harmony Grove Schools sponsored a food give away for families that needed assistance in the Harmony Grove School District. Celebration participated in that food drive. More of these will happen in the next few weeks. I will send details as soon as they are available. 
         2) Because school is dismissed, Harmony Grove students are doing school at home. Because the dismissal has been extended and students will need online access, at the request of Harmony Grove Schools, CBC will make our church internet access available to students that do not have internet access at home. The goal is to enable students to complete school assignments and video classes. The access will have a password given to students that need it. We will take other measures to ensure this is not abused.
          3) Celebration will soon be installing a “blessing box” at our facility. Our space is limited, so a true food pantry is not a practical option. In lieu of a food pantry, we will be installing a blessing box near the highway. People in the community will have opportunity to get necessary food items for their families. Yes, it will be on the honor system, but they are asked to only take what they truly need. The Blessing Box will be an opportunity for both CBC members and community partners to care for community. Stephanie Penn will manage this ministry. Here is a look at a sample
           Remember, this will eventually end and normal will return. 

Psalm 31:1-5
 Bro. Allan

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ministry Without The Queen

     Several years ago, I attended a training in which the presenter asked the question, “How many of you play chess?” Several affirmed their knowledge of the game. The presenter then asked, “What is the most powerful chess piece on a chess board?” Of course, the answer for which he was rightfully looking was the “queen.” She can move in any direction and any number of spaces on the board. The third question was, “How would your game look if you were not permitted to use the “queen?” The correct answer is "very different." However, you could still play the match! Then he challenged us, “Your Sunday Morning Worship Service is your 'queen'., " What would your ministry look like if you didn’t have your “queen” (Sunday Morning Worship)?" Same answer, we could still minister, but our strategy would be different!!
     Because of the national response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the queen (Sunday Morning Worship) is likely unavailable for a few weeks. BUT, YOUR STAFF IS STILL AT WORK AND TRYING TO THINK “OUTSIDE THE BOX.” Here is what we are planning for Celebration Baptist Church’s members and guests.
     1) We will continue to provide online streaming of Sunday Morning Worship. At 10:30 am on Sundays, navigate to the Celebration Baptist Church Facebook page for a Facebook Live broadcast of CBC Sunday Morning Worship. As quickly as possible, the video will be uploaded to the Celebration Baptist Church YouTube channel for those that do not use social media.
     2) For Children’s Ministry, Courtney Roth is planning a weekly Children’s Worship video broadcast to her Celebration Kids Facebook group. This will be a closed group due to restrictions LIFEWAY is placing on their material usage. Courtney will be contacting parents about this ministry with more details.
     3) John Daniel Parks is going to continue with his Sunday Morning Bible Study for Upper Elementary using RightNow Media and supporting discussion questions that parents can use to interact with their kids.
     4) The AWANA Leaders will soon contact our AWANA Kids and give them the opportunity to have a parent or other adult video tape them saying their memory verses or other items necessary to complete “sections” in their AWANA Handbooks. Parents will be contacted soon. No videos will be posted online by AWANA Leaders.
     5) Dylan Summerville will also be providing resources for students in relation to the Sunday Facebook Live broadcast and other material too. They are highly connected through social media, so that is the avenue we will primarily use for them.
     6) BUT, we must not forget about the need for human connection!!  I’ll be asking several CBC members to regularly check on YOU.
     7) As far as I know, our church family has not encounter CORVID-19. Please know that your church leadership is available to serve you. If you have a need, please DO NOT HESITATE to tell us!
     8) Community ministry will continue as opportunity allows. You will be informed to those opportunities via direct texting.
     We will get past this AND be a better church for it!!

Bro. Allan

Saturday, March 14, 2020

To Meet or Not to Meet?

We certainly are living in very interesting times, aren’t we? By now, you have heard of the COVID-19 virus that is currently affecting our nation and our world. Monitor any news outlet and COVID-19 is likely the lead story. COVID-19 is a virus. It acts like other viruses. COVID-19 is spread primarily through exhaled droplets. It is believed to remain active on hard surfaces for approximately 48 hours. 

 Many institutions and organizations are altering the way they do business or offer services. Churches in central Arkansas are among those groups altering their Sunday services. Some churches are dismissing their Worship Services. Others are streaming their Worship Services. Some are following an abbreviated schedule. 

How should Celebration Baptist Church respond? Recently, government officials asked that public gatherings be limited to 200 people or less. That seems to be a reasonable and a wise request. At the same time, Governor Asa Hutchinson appeared on THV-11’s 6:30 Central program on Friday night (3/13) for an interview with Dawn Scott. The governor made an interesting statement. The first lady and he were going out to dinner following the interview. He declared, “life goes on.” How true! But on the other hand, COVID-19 is, by some reports, 2½ times more contagious than the flu. 

 So, here’s how Celebration Baptist Church will function in the foreseeable future. 

Sunday activities– Each week, you will be updated concerning any decisions in schedule changes. Please follow CBC social media and pay close attention to any group texts from CBC.

Wednesday activities– CBC policy is to follow the Harmony Grove School schedule. Harmony Grove Schools will be closed until March 30th. Therefore, there will be no AWANA Clubs, Student Ministry or Small Groups on Wednesday, March 18th and Wednesday, March 25th.

What about Sunday, March 15thCBC will broadcast Sunday Morning Worship via Facebook Live. That means essential personnel (pastor, student minister, worship leader, praise band and audio personnel) will gather for worship at 10:30 am. Originally, Dylan Summerville was scheduled to preach this Sunday. He doesn’t have the opportunity often, so we are rescheduling him for a future time when our congregation is back together as a family on Sundays again.

So, grab your Bible, a cup of coffee or tea, and your favorite device and worship with your family at 10:30 am via Facebook Live.

If we can be of help to you in any way, please do not hesitate to ask. We will continue to pray for all of you, our leaders, health care providers, first responders, and nation as a whole. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Be Holy

   "A California driver's license examiner told about a teenager who had just driven an almost perfect test. 'He made his only mistake'  said the examiner, 'when he stopped to let me out of the car. After breathing a sigh of relief, the boy exclaimed, 'I'm sure glad I don't have to drive like that all the time!' (Reader's Digest [1/84].

     That boy was like a lot of churchgoing Americans. They put on a good front when they know someone is watching, but the rest of the time they let down their standards. There's not much difference between them and those in the world, except that they go to church a little more. The divorce rate among Christians is about the same as in society at large. In fact, the third highest divorce rate occupationally, after doctors and police, goes to Pastors! Christians watch the same TV shows and movies for the same  number of hours weekly as everyone else. Christian youths are involved in sexual immorality to the same extent as those not naming Christ as Savior. Many Christian businessmen have a bad reputation. It would seem that our Christianity doesn't have much effect on the way we live." (, Developing A Holy Lifestyle.) 

     The word "holy" is mistakenly thought to mean "perfect." In reality, "holy" means "separate." It carries the idea of "set apart to someone" or "set apart for a particular use." For example, my wife is the primary driver of our Toyota SUV and I am the primary driver of our Ford SUV. Even though we have joint ownership of both vehicles, she calls the Toyota "her car." I is set apart for her use. In the Old Testament, the vessels and other items used in the Hebrew Temple were declared "holy," not because they were perfectly made, but because they had been "set apart" exclusively for use in the Hebrew Temple. A damaged vessel, removed from use, had to be destroyed as opposed to given to someone for use in their home. They were "holy" or "set apart" exclusively for temple use.

     The Apostle Peter challenged his reader to live "holy." His readers were Jewish Christians, probably living in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire (modern western Turkey). They experienced suffering at the hands of the Romans (expulsion) and at the hands of the larger Jewish community in which they lived for abandoning the Jewish faith for Christianity.

     Sometimes, suffering causes people to move closer to Jesus in their spiritual walk. At other times, suffering causes people to move further from Jesus in their spiritual walk. In order to counter any tendency to use personal suffering as an excuse to abandon a holy lifestyle. Peter listed four reason why suffering believers should remain faithful in their practice of personal holiness.

     Reason #1 - Eternal Hope In Jesus (1:13) - The promised joy of eternity should cause the Christ-follower to remain faithful in holy living during times of suffering.

     Reason #2 - The Holy Nature of God (1:14-17) - The holy character of the heavenly Father should compel us to remain faithful in holy living during times of suffering.

     Reason #3 - The Future Judgement (1:17) - A believer's personal accountability to God should encourage them to remain faithful in holy living during times of suffering.

     Reason #4 - Our Suffering Savior (1:18-21) - Christ's endurance of suffering on behalf of mankind should compel us to remain faithful in holy living during times of suffering.

     Are you faking the Christian life outwardly, but inwardly, you are not living in holiness. Consider the reasons to be genuinely holy. Turn from your hypocrisy. Live "set apart" to Jesus!


Friday, January 10, 2020

The Prerequisites for Wisdom

Visit Blanchard Springs Caverns near Mountain View, Arkansas and you will learn what total darkness truly is. At one point in the tour of these deep caverns, U. S. Forestry personnel turn off all lights in the cave. Because the tour group is so far beneath the earth's surface, outside light can not filter into the caverns. Without artificial light, the caves are totally dark. The darkness is so dark, that tourists can not see their hands in front of their own faces. When the lights are turned on, the surroundings become visible again.

Godly wisdom is like a revealing light that exposes the true nature of things, allowing the believer to avoid spiritual disaster and to follow God's will. Godly wisdom aids the believer in seeing the true nature things from a spiritual perspective.

The Definition of Wisdom*

The Hebrew word for wisdom had both secular and religious meanings. One secular application focused on artisans or craftsmen. Those who were skilled in a craft such as metal work, were said to be wise in that craft. It did not refer necessarily to their character, but rather, their ability.

Today, we refer to such people as masters at their craft. Master plumbers, master electricians, master mechanics gained skill through knowledge and experience. They understand the fundamental and advanced aspects of their professions. They apply that knowledge to extraordinary situations or to troubleshoot problems.

A second secular usage of wisdom referred to cunning or shrewdness. A wise person (in a secular sense) had an understanding of people. Through that understanding, he could manipulate, coerce, or even control them. He appeared to outsmart his competition, through application of his knowledge of people.

The religious application of wisdom focuses on God given understanding. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge of God to life situations and make right (spiritual) decisions as a result. 

Just as Bible knowledge does not equal spirituality, neither does Bible knowledge guarantee wisdom. Wisdom is the application of knowledge to life situations. It is the ability to make right decisions (based on the ways of God) at the opportune time. In other words, it is arriving at a crossroads and deciding which way to go based on the truth of God's Word rather than personal opinion.

The Way of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-8)

Solomon listed several prerequisites for wisdom. They are found in the verbs used in the passage.

1. To trust in the Lord means to have total confidence in God concerning all aspects of life 3:5).
2. To reject personal understanding means to refuse to follow your own ideas and schemes and accept His superior design (3:5).
3. To acknowledge the Lord means to view every aspect of life - home, work, family, etc. - as it relates to pleasing God. You constantly ask, "How can I please God in this particular situation" (3:6)?
4. To be not wise in your own eyes means that instead of depending on your own discernment you choose to depend on God for guidance.
5. To fear the Lord means to demonstrate reverence, respect, worship, and piety toward God (3:7).
6. To depart from evil is to turn away from every form of sin in order to pursue God (3:7).

The Value of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:11-14)

In order to portray the great worth of godly wisdom, God declared it more valuable that silver and gold (v. 14) The comparison is not just to a few silver or gold coins, but to the mass accumulation of the precious metals. In modern times, we would declare that godly wisdom is worth more than owning the leading computer software company or the leading retail store chain. In other words, there is nothing more valuable than godly wisdom.

Solomon was a great biblical example of a person who, at least for a time, valued wisdom above anything else. Solomon was given the opportunity to have anything he desired (2 Chronicles 1:7). He could have had power, pleasure, wealth, or fame. But, he realized that godly wisdom was more desirable. 

The Result of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:21-26)

Why should wisdom be a primary concern for you as a believer? Wisdom and discretion are necessary for spiritual life (verses 21-22). They are like an attractive ornament around the neck. The writer of Proverbs challenges you to never let them depart from you. They are both vital and desirable.

Godly wisdom will allow you to walk steadily in this topsy-turvy world (verse 23). It will equip you to make right choices that avoid spiritual disaster. It will aid you to keep from stumbling spiritually.

Godly wisdom keeps you calm in spite of adverse circumstance (verse 25). Often a difficult decision, an agonizing situation, a troublesome worry, or a fear of consequences will cause people to lie awake at night. Understanding that, the author speaks of "sweet sleep" to picture personal peace. 
Godly wisdom allows you to live confidently amidst chaos, threat, or danger, because of the understanding that God is in total control (verse 26). Wisdom teaches you to trust Him always. 

 * Definition based on Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament

Friday, January 3, 2020

Treasuring God's Word

For several years, Celebration Baptist Church has participated in the Read The Bible For Life Scripture reading plan. Every year, CBC members were encouraged to systematically read the Scriptures in a chronological order over the course of a year.

Recently, a CBC Awana Club leader challenged me with this question, "We ask our kids to memorize Scripture on a weekly basis. What about the adults?' Ouch!! Why do we not expect adults to continue the pattern of Scripture memorization?

Usually, any time Scripture memorization is talked about, Psalm 119:11 is tossed around as a Biblical basis. While Psalm 119:11 definitely supports Scripture memorization, it also speaks to much more.

The immediate context of Psalm 119:11 is two verses previous or Psalm 119:9. The Psalmist poses a question, "How can a young man keep his way pure?" The immediate response is "by keeping your Word." The author desired to know how to navigate life successfully through the many spiritual landmines that dot the path of the believer. He wanted to know how to avoid the pitfalls of sin that he had likely seen others fall into or maybe had experienced himself. The answer was surrendered obedience to God's Word.

One way to facilitate surrendered obedience is found in Psalm 119:11, "I have treasured Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you."

The Psalmist declared that he "treasured [God's] Word in [his] heart." What does that mean? The Hebrew word, "I have treasured" (tsaphan), is used more than thirty times in the Old Testament. Almost always, it meant "hide" or "store." To treasure is more than to value, but rather hiding or storing something valuable. In this case, the Word of God is the focus. One commentator said, "When we have the Word of God stored or hidden in our hearts, and treasure it like gold and silver, that Word will function to keep us from sin." To hide or treasure the Scriptures in one's heart is more than simply memorizing words, "but it is the joyful act of the affections" [Spurgeon].

But how does hiding God's Word in our heart keep us from sinning? Memorizing Scripture alone will not keep us from sinning. Valuing the Word of God alone will not keep us from sinning. Rather, both actions, together, give us the power to stand against the temptations of sin.

Piper writes, "I believe that the Bible teaches us to memorize Scripture the way an ant gathers food in summer; because it is so valuable and will be needed in the winter months. '[The ant] prepares her food in the summer, and gathers her provision in the harvest' (Proverbs 6:8). Memorizing Scripture is not a discipline for its own sake. It is because the Scripture are a treasure and will be needed before the day is done to help you escape a sinful attitude and live a life that glorifies God."

Therefore, Celebration Baptist Church is launching a Scripture Memorization Challenge. Here is how the challenge will work. Each week, a one or two verse Scripture passage will be presented to the congregation for memorization. The Scripture passage will be encouraging, strengthening, and practical. The group is challenged to memorize the passage by the following Sunday when a new passage will be presented.

Someone might say, “I am too old to memorize anything. I can hardly remember my name!” If you focus on a short passage of Scripture for a full seven days, think of the benefits. Even if you are not always successful in memorizing the passage, think of the spiritual insights you will gain by meditating on the same Scripture for seven days. Wow!!!

Up for the challenge? The January 5 challenge is Psalm 119:11. And go!!!
