We all have defining moments in our lives. Sometimes we realize those moments for what they are and at other times they pass us by. Defining moments occur in our professional life, our marital life, our family life, our spiritual life, etc.
From a spiritual perspective, defining moments are life altering, crucial moments in life that God uses to demonstrate Himself in an obvious way resulting in you never being the same again. Those moments define you from that point forward. Those moments reveal who you are at your core. Those moments give you direction and purpose.
Some defining moments are good and some are not so good. Some defining moments are successes and some are failures. Some defining moments are experiences and some are events. Yet, they all impact us for a lifetime.
Often, we do not recognize those defining moments in our life until they have passed. It's more of a review mirror type realization.
For me, the defining moment concerning God's faithfulness occurred in 1983. I desperately desired to attend an Evangelism Explosion Training event to better prepare myself to live on mission. The cost was $ 300.00. I was just starting out in ministry and money was very tight. I asked God to supply the funds. Two weeks later, I served as evangelist at a series of revival meetings in a neighboring church. At the end of the series of meetings, the church treasurer handed me an honorarium. My first reaction (remember that I was young in ministry) was "I get paid to do this!?!" Probably not the most spiritual thing I ever did, but I drove down the country road about a mile, pulled over, and took a look at the honorarium. It was exactly $ 300.00. That was a defining moment for me concerning God's supply in my life.
So, what's the point? 1) Take a few minutes to review your professional life, your relational life, your family life, and your spiritual life and identify at least one defining moment in each area. Give special attention to your spiritual life. 2) Recognize that the circumstance you are currently experiencing may be a defining moment in some area of your life, therefore, respond appropriately. 3) Know that past mistakes should not continue to define you for a lifetime. 4) Choose Jesus to experience the most significant defining moment in your life.