Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thankful For It All

In May 1940, the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. They imposed many restrictions on the Dutch people. Among those Dutch residents was the family of Casper Ten Boom. They were Christians.

Mr. Ten Boom, from his study of the Old Testament, understood that the Jews were God's chosen people. As a result, he eventually became involved in the Dutch underground hiding Jewish refugees.

In 1944, an informant exposed the Ten Boom's work. They were arrested and sent to prison. Corrie and Betsie Ten Boom, two daughters of Casper, were transferred to Nazi concentration camps. They finally landing in Ravensbruck, a women's labor camp in Germany. Ravensbruck was a miserable place, yet the two girls began ministering to their fellow prisoners. After a hard day's work, they would hold worship services and encourage others, using a Bible theat they had managed to sneak in.

During those difficult days, Betsie Ten Boom reminded her sister to be thankful for God's grace. She even encouraged her sister to give thanks for the fleas that infested their barracks. At first Corrie could find nothing about the irritating bites of the fleas for which to be thankful. She uttered gratitude to God anyway. For weeks the two women were able to worship with and minister to their fellow inmates without harassment from the SS Guards. They later discovered that the flea infestation was the tool God used to keep the execution guards from entering their barracks. THANK GOD FOR FLEAS!

What was first considered an insufferable nuisance was actually God's instrument of protection. We can give thanks in all circumstances and at all times because God works all things together for our good and His glory. I did not say all things were good, but rather God could use all things for our good and His glory.

Gratitude soothes our spirit. It adjusts our attitudes. It changes our perspective.

So how do I get to the place of "thanking God for fleas?"
  • Express thanks regularly (1 Corinthains 14:16)
  • Live Spirit-filled (Ephesians 5:18-20)
  • Understand God's sovereign care (Romans 8:28)

Remember, a thankful attitude must be cultivated regularly. What are the first steps?
  • Determine to become intentinally thankful
  • Determine to be thankful in ALL things
  • Thank HIM for His grace and your circumstance NOW.

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