Friday, November 11, 2016

Five Years and Counting

October 31, 2011 was officially my first day as pastor of Celebration Baptist Church. That’s FIVE years ago! Amazing.

When those “time flies” moments occur, I am reminded of an older gentleman named W. T. Floyd. He was a member of the church that I served in the Marion, Arkansas area. I had passed the five-year mark serving as their pastor. I placed a small announcement in the weekly publication noting the milestone. As I walked down the center aisle of the church building, just prior to beginning Morning Worship, Mr. Floyd reached out and tugged on my coat tail. With a smirk on his face, Mr. Floyd commented, “Preacher, you haven't been here five years, have you?” I confirmed replied, “Yes sir, I have been here five years. Time flies when you’re having fun.” With a gleam in his eye, he responded, “Son, when you get my age (north of 80 years old), time flies whether you're having fun or not!” The older I get, the more I appreciate his candor!!

Highlights for me, over the last five years, have been 1) the establishment of some wonderful relationships in Haskell and the surrounding communities.  2) I have thoroughly enjoyed serving our community together as a church family and believe we have made a difference in our little town. 3) I am celebrating the maturing of Celebration Baptist Church. We have moved from a newly organized congregation to a “sending church” for group in Fort Smith. 4) I have watched many of you assume various roles of leadership. Some you didn’t think you could, but did. 5) You have grown numerically, financially, and in your serving.

Just remember, God has more for Celebration Baptist Church to do in our community and the world.

Finally, allow me to say THANK YOU for the Pastor Appreciation gifts during October. The new iPad was wonderful!!! My Generation 1 iPad was struggling. Also, the additional financial gift was greatly appreciated as well. You are a generous people. Thank you!

Looking Forward,


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