I don’t know about you guys, bit seems like we have not had a church service in forever!! I miss “laying eyes” on everyone. Texting, social media, and live streaming are just not the same, but it is what we have available.
Personally, I value being informed about what’s going on in the world and with COVID-19. But as the old adage goes, “too much cake will make anyone sick!” So may I suggest you balance your ingestion of news, social media, and binge watching with RightNow Media content. CBC has a subscription to this Christian video library with over 14,000 great videos. Those videos include kids videos, Bible Study videos, and other discipleship oriented videos. If you have not activated your access to this resource, simply email me at celebrationbaptisthaskell@gmail.com. It’s quick and easy to begin benefitting from this great resource.
On Sunday, March 22nd, we will again live stream morning worship using Facebook Live. If you don’t have a Facebook account, do not worry. We will quickly post the video on line and I will forward you the link so you can view it on your computer or mobile device. I deeply appreciate Dylan, Jared, Courtney and the CBC band for serving in this way.
Here are a couple of ways Celebration is serving the community.
1) On March 18th, Harmony Grove Schools sponsored a food give away for families that needed assistance in the Harmony Grove School District. Celebration participated in that food drive. More of these will happen in the next few weeks. I will send details as soon as they are available.
2) Because school is dismissed, Harmony Grove students are doing school at home. Because the dismissal has been extended and students will need online access, at the request of Harmony Grove Schools, CBC will make our church internet access available to students that do not have internet access at home. The goal is to enable students to complete school assignments and video classes. The access will have a password given to students that need it. We will take other measures to ensure this is not abused.
3) Celebration will soon be installing a “blessing box” at our facility. Our space is limited, so a true food pantry is not a practical option. In lieu of a food pantry, we will be installing a blessing box near the highway. People in the community will have opportunity to get necessary food items for their families. Yes, it will be on the honor system, but they are asked to only take what they truly need. The Blessing Box will be an opportunity for both CBC members and community partners to care for community. Stephanie Penn will manage this ministry. Here is a look at a sample https://tinyurl.com/wqqzqzc.
Remember, this will eventually end and normal will return.
Psalm 31:1-5
Bro. Allan